Comments on: AI-Powered Fusion: The Key to Limitless Clean Energy Science, Space and Technology News 2024 Wed, 22 May 2024 11:32:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Naïve Wed, 22 May 2024 11:32:40 +0000 Isn’t there also an issue with the availability of enough Tritium to sustain all these possible fusion reactors, when/if the solution is cracked?

By: Barney Grable Sat, 18 May 2024 03:57:15 +0000 Frank hensler
First – IMHO -I doubt lasers will be able to power a working (that is: a greater than break even) fusion reactor.
So. No Earth bound fusion reactor can produce much of a core. The core won’t be anything heavier than Li or C. It won’t be big enough to do anything but mess with the fusion reaction and will eventually contaminate the plasma to unsustainable temperatures for fusion. So H or He may still be fuel, but Li or heavier will be long out of our reach until more exotic container materials and much stronger magnets appear.
Photons NEVER go slower than the speed of light in a given medium.

By: Boba Sat, 18 May 2024 01:05:18 +0000 The AI will end up wasting more energy than it helped produce.

By: Frank hensler Thu, 16 May 2024 18:04:57 +0000 Everyone believes that fusion is the “evergy of the future” but has anyone considered that “nothing in nature is ever free”… There is a balance to everything in the universe related to “cause and effect”

So they asked AI how to create fusion, and it utilized recent MIT work involving crossing focused lasers beams to create “photon collisions” predicting the collisions would slow some. Of the photons below the speed of light. The result was that “from light physical matter was formed in the form of hydrogen”

It further proves E = mc².

The Ai simply took that result and added that fact that Hydrogen is the fuel that stars consume.

So with enough energy focused on a single point producing hydrogen in its center would cause the hydrogen to fuse to become helium releasing huge amounts of energy.

As long as energy from the lasers was maintained the fusion reaction would continue.(Because it’s proving the fuel needed and the pressure/energy needed to maintain the reaction..

And yes.. it would easily produce more power than it consumed to maintain the reaction.

So the Ai solved the problem it was given and everyone was amazed..

I’ll bet no one has even thought of what the consequences of “successfully creating a fusion reaction” would be.

So as our SUN collapses it’s hydrogen fuel it creates a dense core that continues to grow as long as it has fuel.

And when they fire up this fusion reactor here in a lab it too, will begin to create a super dense core.

The longer the process runs the larger the core will get..

And when they finally are forced to shut it down because the core is getting to big..

It will stop producing energy..
But the “core” will still be there.

While the lasers are running the force of the outward energy produced by the fusion reaction offsets the gravitational waves produced by mass of it core. (Just like our Sun)

But the moment The fusion reaction shuts down there is nothing to offset the gravitational pull of the mass of the core.

The result would be that we suddenly have a stellar core remnant within our atmosphere and the result would be that “we wouldn’t have an atmosphere for much longer.”

By: Nicholas Jones Thu, 16 May 2024 13:40:51 +0000 Do you guys think you are ethical scientists without crediting Steve Ditka, who first envisioned this tech? Although Stan Lee came up with his Spiderman character concept, he assigned the task of writing the installments to Steve Ditka, who envisioned the Dr Octopus character. Dr Octpus didn’t need a big ole supercomputer. He had a strap-on with eight arms, each of which was an AI bot that could work independently or synchronically with the remaining arms. The outer metal of the arms must have been of bismuth or some other diamagnetic alloy because the arms would slip right in through the magnetic confinement, and they would try to stabilize that plasma ball and throw it into H mode. Now, even though that didn’t work out too well, still, you should give credit where credit is due!
